The airline flights are booked, vacation time has been granted by our employer and the final payment for the trip has been made! Needless to say we are very excited about our week in January in the BVI. We are now pondering and planning various itineraries, deciding where we want to overnight and what sight seeing spots we simply can't miss. Winter in Wisconsin appears to be starting even earlier than usual and I believe we will be more than ready for a break by mid January. The booking process with moorings has been very easy and smooth. The website is informative and fairly simple to use, my biggest complaint being the fact you need a separate sign in for the food and drink ordering for your trip. I am not sure why this just isn't another tab on the "my moorings" webpage.
The above photo is the Moorings 42 by Beneteau, the SV we will be using for our trip. Below is the cabin layout and it should do quite nicely for the week. We are a small group of four but the two head setup seemed a no-brainer for us as our wives are pretty spoiled. ;)